
Mailbag - Aug. 26, 2001

Council should not respond to public

I believe that the new proposal to allow the Newport Beach City

Council members to respond to comments is not a good idea. The comments

section of the meeting is just that. It is not intended to be a debate,

nor are immediate responses necessary from the council members. Mayor

Gary Adams and other council members, as reported, feel that this change

would foster better communication. On the contrary, it would foster

question and answer, with the council having the last word.

Further, by the time each long-winded council member chimes in with a

response, the brief response allowed by the Brown Act would be violated.

This is a case of the City Council shooting itself in the foot, as

certain council members use other parts of the meeting to respond to

public comments made that evening, as well. I would never advise the

council to respond to spontaneous questions made by the public of issues

not on the docket. The council meeting is not the proper venue for

spontaneous Q and A, as the council would not be properly prepared for

any effective answer.


Balboa Island

Congressman should fight federal bill

I hope that congressmen Christopher Cox and Dana Rohrabacher fight

against the Saxton Bill, known as the Recreational Waters Protection Act

(“Bill could jeopardize harbor’s water,” Aug 18).

It would not be practical to monitor who does and doesn’t comply with

treatment standards before they dump.


Newport Beach

Steel not appreciative of Segerstroms’ offer

I’m sorry to read Councilman Chris Steel’s comment in Thursday’s paper

(“Segerstroms offer $2 million to schools”). About the money C.J.

Segerstrom & Sons are offering, the best use of the money, I feel, would

be to give it to the booster clubs.

That way, our kids wouldn’t have to sell candy, etc., to raise money

to support our sports teams and other campus clubs. We raised money for

campus repairs. The state gives us money for books and teachers, but

nothing for clubs, etc. So we are grateful and it is not money down the



Costa Mesa
