
Flag Football: Ready for some flag football?

Registration for two flag football programs sponsored by Newport

Beach Community Services is now underway.

The Youth Flag Football programs are for third- through sixth-graders

who will be able to learn football fundamentals.

Practices begin the week of Sept. 17, on weekday afternoons at local

Newport Beach Elementary Schools. Games begin the week of Oct. 5 and are

played Friday evenings at Arroyo Park. The deadline to register for the

program is Sept. 14.

For boys and girls in first and second grades, Tiny League Flag

Football Clinic will introduce the game of flag football. The clinic will

be held Saturdays for four weeks at Bonita Creek Park, from 10 to 10:50

a.m., beginning Sept. 22.

The registration fee for either program is $45 for Newport Beach

residents and $50 for non-residents.

For more information call Newport Beach Community Services at (949)

644-3151, or visit its office at 3300 Newport Boulevard to register.
