
Hearing on generators postponed

Representatives from Huntington Beach and AES Corp. met again Tuesday

afternoon and say they are looking forward to possibly reaching a

settlement before a scheduled hearing set for Aug. 21.

Assistant City Administrator Bill Workman said he is upbeat about what

happened during the discussions.

“I’m hopeful that we’ll have a settlement by the end of the week,”

Workman said. “Both sides understand the grounds for discussion.”

Ed Blackford, site manager for AES, also said negotiations among the

South Coast Air Quality Management District, AES and the city are

progressing well.

“It’s in everyone’s best interest if we can solve it by a settlement

and stay out of a hearing,” Blackford said.

The hearing concerns the possible restart of two generators at AES

Corp.’s power plant in Huntington Beach.

AES was given the green light to restart the generators in its Newland

Street plant by the California Energy Commission on May 10.

The city is appealing that decision based on worries about pollution

from the plant and the amount of time each generator would be in use. AES

wants the decision changed because, company officials say, provisions in

the approval limit the company’s ability to see electricity out of state.

The district, at the request of both AES and the city, decided last

Friday to grant more time to allow the city and the company to attempt to

reach a settlement, said Sam Atwood, a spokesman for the district.

“The parties are hopeful that they can reach an agreement so they

wouldn’t have to present a petition of appeal to the hearing board,”

Atwood said. “This is the only issue that’s scheduled to be on the docket

that day.”

The hearing will be held at 9 a.m. at the district’s office in Diamond


While the negotiations continue, AES did get a show of support from

the City Council on Monday night.

At its meeting, the council voted 5-0 Monday night to enter into a

water service contract with AES to provide water service to the two

generators, provided AES receives permission to restart them.
