
B.W. Cook -- The Crowd

The bayfront estate of Richard and Laura Lee Browne will be the

setting of an upcoming underwriting party designed to raise funds to

cover the expenses of the annual Candy Cane Ball benefiting the

Assistance League of Newport Mesa. The Brownes have donated their elegant

home in support of the 52nd annual Candy Cane Ball, which will be held

Nov. 30 at the exclusive Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The ball, one of the

highlights of the winter social season, is also the longest-running

charitable event to be held during the holiday season in the Newport-Mesa


This year, reports Underwriting Chairwoman Vivian Browne,

daughter-in-law of the hosts, the underwriting party will take on a

decidedly Polynesian theme. Perfect for an evening on the Newport Harbor,

the luau will feature dinner and dancing as guests enjoy a spectacular

view of the maritime traffic. Mai tais will be the order of the evening

and guests will be required to don their Hawaiian best.

The actual Candy Cane Ball will once again be a Christmas spectacular,

complete with prolific displays of red and white roses. Guests will be

attired in their finest holiday black tie. The ball is being chaired by

Sandy De Young, wife of Roger De Young, whose family are longtime members

of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Kate Carvelli and Cam Bryson will join

forces with De Young as the co-chairs of the evening, which is a major

annual fund-raiser for the Junior Auxiliary of the Assistance League of


De Young and her associates have already lined up the popular Wayne

Foster Orchestra to entertain at the ball. A martini bar has been ordered

to please the crowd. For those in the know, the Candy Cane Ball also

features what is surely the most elaborate silent auction of any holiday

affair. The display of merchandise boggles the mind, thanks to the

gallant efforts of the petite yet powerful auction chair, Kay Davis, and

her committee. Special mention also must be made thanking local merchants

for their extreme generosity. Many thousands of dollars are raised from

this silent auction to benefit Assistance League programs.

Speaking of programs, last year the Assistance League Children’s

Dental Health Center served 2,670 young patients in need of care. Kids on

the Block, a community outreach program that is built around a

puppeteering performance, reached another 1,310 students. And Operation

School Bell, which supplies clothing and necessities to youngsters

returning to the classroom, served another 725 needy local children.

Overall, the Assistance League of Newport-Mesa is proud of its

association with 750 members, which have accumulatively donated more than

40,000 hours of volunteer service during the past 12 months.

Further, it is important to mention that the Junior Auxiliary, which

is composed of young mothers in the community, champions the fund-raising

effort behind the Candy Cane Ball. This year, Catherine O’Hara leads the

effort as chairwoman of the Junior Auxiliary.

To help support the underwriting party for the Candy Cane Ball and to

attend the luau Sept. 15 at the Browne residence, please call Vivian

Browne at (949) 642-0464. For more information or to make reservations

for the Candy Cane Ball, please call Debi Guibord at (949) 644-2677.

* THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays.
