
In the Spirit

Michele Marr

CHURCH NAME: Coastview Christian Fellowship

ADDRESS: 5102 Argosy Avenue

TELEPHONE: 714-895-7979



DENOMINATION: Independent Christian


SERVICE TIMES: Worship is at 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Sunday.

Promiseland Children’s programs, for children in grades two to six, are

held at both services. The Reality Youth Program, for junior and senior

high school youth, meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning. Home groups, Bible

studies and youth group activities meet throughout the week.

SENIOR PASTORS: Dale and Linda Temple

PASTORAL STAFF: Rich Brown, worship pastor; Bruce Spencer, small

group’s pastor; Janelle Kennedy, children’s pastor; Josh Case, youth



MAKEUP OF CONGREGATION: A wide range of ages is represented in the

congregation. The largest age group consists of 30 to 50. Most members

live locally in Huntington Beach or adjacent cities, but some come from

central and south Orange County or Los Angeles County.

CHILD CARE: Provided for both Sunday services.

TYPE OF WORSHIP: The service is contemporary. A worship band provides

music. The service is relational, friendly and upbeat. Holy Communion is

offered once a month.

TYPE OF SERMON: Temple offers a message based on the teachings of

Jesus as they apply to contemporary living.

UPCOMING SERMON: Part of a series offering a “Portrait of Jesus,” that

looks at the life and character of Jesus.

RECENT SERMON: “Surviving the Age of Anxiety.” “Being a Contagious


WELCOME WAGON: Greeters at the door offer visitors a welcome packet.

During a “meet and greet” time that is part of the Sunday services,

visitors have the opportunity to introduce themselves to others in the

church. Visitors are not asked to stand or to wear badges to identify

themselves. Temple prefers to give visitors a bit of anonymity and time

to get comfortable. Each quarter, the church holds a Newcomer Breakfast

to help visitors and new members become more at home in the church.

Before the service, coffee is available in the foyer. It is also

available during the services’ “meet and greet” times. Once a month

members of the church cook and serve refreshments for a hospitality

social held after the worship service. This gives members and newcomers

more time to get acquainted.

OUTREACH PROGRAMS: The church’s community outreach has found a number

of ways to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the

community. The church maintains a food bank to provide for those in need

of food. The Care Core works to provide clothing, household items,

appliances and/or furnishings, as they are able, to those in need. Within

the church, special emphasis is placed on training men to take their

place of leadership in their homes and in society. Men’s seminars, titled

“For Men Only” are held on various Saturdays to explore the

characteristics of manhood, rites of passage into manhood and to help men

develop their wisdom, strength and vulnerability. There is also a special

focus on working with youth in their season of adolescence to help them

deal with temptations of “drugs, sex and rock and roll.” The church

supports missions in Mexico and Romania. In Mexico, the Congregation

gives enormous support to Mother Antonia, who has established and

operates Campos de San Miguel to provide temporary housing for cancer

patients while they undergo treatment at a cancer center nearby. She also

runs Estancia Infantil de Madre Antonia, a day-care center for the

children of police officers or their widows who need, but cannot afford,

child care. The congregation regards Mother Antonia, mother of the

Sisters of the Last Hour order, to be their “adopted” missionary. Mother

Antonia has an extensive prison ministry and by operating concessions in

the prisons has raised money to provide new teeth to nearly 4000 people

who needed them, but could not pay for them. The congregation also

supports Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship Ministries Angel Tree outreach

locally. This program provides Christmas gifts and food to the families

of prisoners. With McDonnell Douglas, they have built homes for Habitat

for Humanity. They support Police Officers for Christ in Santa Ana, where

Dale Temple is a chaplain for the police department. Members have also

worked with Olive Crest, a local foster-care and adoption agency,

providing maintenance for some of its facilities and activities for some

of the children in the agency’s care. Throughout the year there are

special events to bring family and friends together, including a family

picnic, and a country fair, held at Halloween time. The fair offers safe

fun and entertainment for all ages and families with games, booths, line

dancing, live music, pony rides and much more. Reality Lite meets every

second Friday of each month for the youth and their friends to enjoy

music, conversation and socializing in a coffee bar style setting. The

church also has its own coed adult softball team that plays against other

downtown teams in season.

CHURCH DESIGN: The church’s building is basically a tilt-up warehouse

converted to a place of worship. The building displays a lot of artwork,

much of which is created by a member of the congregation. The sanctuary

is very contemporary, with high ceilings that expose a network of painted

air ducts.

MISSION: Coastview Christian Fellowship is a family church that

believes in discipleship to help each other grow up to be healthy, happy

human beings.

PURPOSE: To gather and build a community of people whose hearts’

desire and highest priority is to learn to live in the presence of God.

To intimately know, love and obey Jesus Christ, to continue the Holy

Spirit’s ministry of love and healing on earth and disciple others to do

the same.

SUMMER YOUTH EVENTS: Summer Camp for kids in grades 3 to 6. At Mount

Palomar Christian Conference Center, August 5-9. Cost: $155. A deposit of

$50 is due when signing up and the balance is due July 29. Reality Summer

Camp for Jr. and Sr. High School youth. Monday, August 13 through Friday,

August 17, at Tahquitz Pines Conference Center, Idyllwild. Cost: $165

includes transportation, lodging and meals for five days. A deposit of

$50 is due when registering. Call the church for more information about

these events.

Story by Michele Marr; photo by xxx
