
Games are the Midway to go

Danette Goulet

Booths adorned with a colorful array of hanging plush toys and manned

by coercing carnies with an auctioneer’s skill with words beckon the

passersby like sirens.

They are the games of skill and chance that no carnival would be

complete without. They are the Midway.

This year, the Orange County Fair boasts 45 Midway games, about seven

of which are in the Kiddie Carnival.

I took a little tour and tried my hand at a variety to rate and


The following sampling of games will receive a rating of easy, medium

or difficult, and one to four stars, depending on how much fun I had and

how cool the prize was.

Tubs of Fun: One in wins, $2 for one ball or $3 for five -- or so the

spiel goes. Throw a large rubber ball into a big tub slanted toward you

and you can win one of the stuffed M&M; guys.

“All you have to do is listen to us,” explained Rick Thompson, a

Midway manager. “If you listen, we explain exactly how to do it.”

I went one for three.

Rating: MEDIUM (It’s easier said than done) ***

Snoopy Water Gun Fun: There’s a winner every time, but it may not be

you. This is a race to see whose Red Baron reaches the top first. The

more players there are, the bigger the prize is that the winner gets.

It’s $2 to play, and the music is rockin’.

Rating: EASY **

Shoot the Hoop, Long Range: Free throws are the name of the game. Also

one shot for $2 for five for $3, this game is more difficult than the tub

game if you ask me -- of course I’m terrible at basketball. Every prize

is huge.

But don’t think that being the star player on your basketball team

will help you.

“It’s always the kids that come up and win, then the 6-foot, 2-inch

basketball player comes up and goes 0 for 3,” said David Swan, who works

the hoops.

I went 0 for 15, which may be a record. It would have been $30 worth

of tries and nothing to show for it.

Rating: DIFFICULT **

Roll a Ball Racing: This is like competitive miniature skeeball. As

players roll a ball up a small skeeball board, race cars move across a

backdrop. The first racer to the finish line wins a plush toy.

I raced against one other person and won.

Rating: MEDIUM **** (winning is always fun)

MTV No. 2: Throw the dart, pop the balloon. The noise of a popping

balloon is so much more satisfying than the thud of a dartboard. This

version offers framed posters as a prize, but stuffed animals are the

lure at other dart booths. A hint: at three darts for $5, you can’t lose.

I broke two balloons with three darts.

Rating: EASY ***

Pool Hall: It’s on the level. No, really, they have a level to make

sure the tables are always flat. Small pool tables with tight corner

pockets and regulation side pockets offer the pool shark a welcome treat.

Break the four balls and then sink all four without missing or scratching

and you win. You decide ahead of time if you want to pay $2 for a small

prize if you win, $3 for a large or $5 for a jumbo.

I missed the first ball.

Rating: DIFFICULT (it’s all skill) ****

Ashley’s Goldfish Galleria: Located in the Kiddie Carnival, players

have to throw pingpong balls at small fish bowls filled with red and

orange water. It’s only 25 cents for one ball, 50 cents for three, $1 for

seven, or $5 for 17. The prize: a lunch-box-size aquarium with a live


A hint: $5 guarantees you’ll walk away with an aquarium.

Rating: MEDIUM **

Lucky Duck Pond: Grab six rubber duckies for $5 as they swim by. Match

the colors on the bottom to a chart to determine what size stuffed duck

you win. Every player wins -- and the ducks are adorable.

Rating: EASY * (fun) **** (prize)
