

-- Michele Marr

ADDRESS: 401 6th St.

TELEPHONE: (714) 536-4255

WEB SITE: o7 https://www.cbchb.comf7

DENOMINATION: The congregation is an independent fellowship.

YEAR CHURCH ESTABLISHED: Early members of the Community Bible Church

congregation purchased the church property in 1972. The building is the

oldest standing church in the city. It was built and dedicated in 1906 by

the Baptist Church of Huntington Beach, three years before Huntington

Beach was incorporated. In the early 1970s, that congregation joined with

the First Baptist Church of Fountain Valley, making the building

available for purchase by a small group of believers who had been meeting

in a local school.

SERVICE TIMES: Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school

meets at 9:15 a.m. A Wednesday evening service meets at 7 p.m. On Tuesday

evening, the Youth Team Worship Band meets at 6 p.m. and the Junior and

Senior High Program meets at 7 p.m.

SENIOR PASTOR: Mike Foell, who came to the church in June 1985. He is

a graduate of Cal State Long Beach and holds a master’s degree in

biblical counseling from Grace Theological Seminary as well as a doctor

of ministry in biblical counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary in


PASTORAL STAFF: John and Sakura Norling, youth directors; Susan

Walker, director of Christian education.


MAKEUP OF CONGREGATION: Includes all ages and socioeconomic groups.

CHILD CARE: Provided for Sunday and Wednesday services.

TYPE OF WORSHIP: Worship includes a blend of traditional and

contemporary hymns, prayer and teaching of God’s word. The first Sunday

of the month is Communion Sunday. The fourth Sunday of the month is

Missions Sunday. The fifth Sunday of a month, when it occurs, is Youth

Sunday and the congregation’s youth participate in all aspects of the


TYPE OF SERMON: Clear, concise and Christ-centered. Foell’s preaching

is verse-by-verse exegetical: “Words mean what words mean. Don’t add to

the text.” His messages convey the primacy and authority of the Bible and

the practical application of its teachings for everyday living. “It is

the COMMUNITY BIBLE Church,” he emphasizes. He uses a lot of humor, often

about his own foibles, in his messages and he aims to be uplifting to his


RECENT SERMON: At Sunday service, Foell is currently teaching through

the book of James with a series of sermons that focuses on practical

Christian living. On Wednesday evening, he is teaching through the book

of Daniel, a man Foell describes as “a prophetic, practical man of


UPCOMING SERMON: Foell is still considering topics for his next sermon

series. He has asked members of the congregation to share three things

with him as food for thought: a passage from scripture, a favorite hymn

and a question they would ask Jesus Christ if they had the opportunity.

WELCOME WAGON: A brochure of introduction to the church is available

to visitors. Greeters who Foell describes as “loquacious and vivacious”

offer their hospitality to visitors one-to-one. When visitors wish to

become more involved, they have the opportunity to work one-on-one with

another member and/or with Foell as they discover what it means to be a


OUTREACH PROGRAMS: The congregation supports numerous mission efforts

including missionaries and Wycliffe Bible translators in Kenya, Papua New

Guinea, China, Japan and Israel. Each year the congregation participates

in Angel Tree, a ministry of Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship

Ministries. Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts and the Gospel story to

the children and spouses of men and women in prison. The Angel Tree

project matches participants with local families of prison inmates.

Through the Happiness Foundation the congregation also supports children

at an orphanage in Quito, Ecuador. The youth of the congregation support

three children at the orphanage with their own funds. Foell and others

from his congregation have provided pastoral training in South America,

Eastern Europe, England and Scotland. Locally, the congregation lends

support and encouragement as needs present themselves. They have extended

resources to the Oakview community by hosting weekend barbecue and

rummage sale days. Oakview residents are invited to come enjoy a barbecue

meal and select clothing and household items, free, from donated goods.

The congregation has also painted aging playground equipment in the

area’s parks. The days also include donuts, coffee, recreation and face

painting for the children. The congregation regularly organizes prayer

walks through local neighborhoods. Foell is the co-chairman of the

Huntington Beach Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship. He is also a frequent

speaker at retreats, seminars and camps.

CHURCH DESIGN: Built in 1906, the building is traditional, warm and

intimate. It has its original furnishings, including hardwood floors and

pews. Upholstered pads have been added to the pews for comfort. The

ambience is conducive to fellowship, reflection, meditation and worship.

An embracing quiet greets those who step in from the bustling of Downtown


MISSION STATEMENT: “By God’s grace and through His Word, we seek to

love, obey and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, serving Him in our church

and communities.”

INTERESTING NOTE: Foell said he is really proud that his congregation

does more than talk about being pro-life. A number of families in the

congregation have adopted children. He relates a story of a young man who

came to him for help at a time when the man’s girlfriend was pregnant and

considering an abortion. The young woman, at the time was livid when

Foell intervened. In the end though, she has been happy that she had her

child and kept it. She has since spoken to the congregation about her

experience. The congregation also places a high value on the lives,

wisdom and gifts of senior citizens.
