

-- Interviews and photos by Paul Clinton

The Daily Pilot asked children at Bob Henry Park in Newport Beach

about their Fourth of July plans.

“I’m going to have dinner with my grams and grandpa.”

-- Matthew Tweedie, 6

Costa Mesa

“I’m going to the Santa Ana Country Club to watch the fireworks. I

like [the fireworks] because they’re all different colors.”

-- Shannon Boler, 7

Newport Beach

“We bought some [fireworks]. My sister, she kind of likes the one I

want to have. It’s like a big stick.”

-- Taryn Welch, 6

Costa Mesa

“I’m going to a block party. They might have fireworks, but if they

don’t, we’re going to go back to my place. I like fireworks and their

cool colors.”

-- Luke Dawson, 8

Costa Mesa

“My grandma’s neighbor is having a block party. It’s a fun holiday.”

Alexa Stone, 8

Newport Beach
