

THOUGHTS FROM THE SCENE: I was looking forward to photographing the

100th birthday party of Ed Hemphill. All my equipment was ready to go.

After meeting him, I walked ahead of him as he walked to the cafeteria

with aid from the staff.

I was looking for a good moment to signify his event. I entered the

cafeteria and most of the people there wondered who the heck I was and

why the cameras. Soon they knew. But when I realized my flash wasn’t

working, I began to focus my attention on my equipment failure rather

than the moment. I kept shooting anyway, trying to figure out how to get

a nice photo without the flash since two giant windows ruined the shot

behind Hemphill’s seat.

They began to sing “Happy Birthday” as I moved around the scene hoping

for something decent. I chose to shoot further away from the scene with a

longer lens because it made a better picture than up close with a wide

angle. The choice paid off when he got up to blow out the candles. He

stood, held onto the table, stared into the center of the cake and began

to cry. I clicked a shot when he wiped a tear from his face as I was

moving backward through lunch tables. I wasn’t sure I had it. I checked

immediately on the digital camera and saw it was there. It was the moment

I prepared for, and I’m glad I didn’t miss it. Always be prepared for

several great moments or just one.

-- Don Leach
