

It doesn’t take much. About an hour out of your busy day. Yeah sure,

there’s a little -- ouch -- pin prick for good measure and then you’ll

have to fill out some paperwork about your medical history.

Really though, after another jab with a needle into a vein -- ouch

again -- you’ll be on your way. Whew!

We admit, folks, there’s some minor misery involved here but all in

all giving blood is a snap. And what more worthy cause can you take part

in than saving someone’s life by giving a little of yourself?

Giving just a few drops of your blood.

But looking at the numbers, it sure doesn’t look like many people feel

that same way.

In the state of California, an embarrassingly low 2% of the population

donates blood to the American Red Cross and hospitals.

And even worse, the supply of O-positive blood cells recently dropped

by a whopping 13%, causing health care workers to sound the alarm for

more donors.

Hoag Hospital workers recently answered that call to help beef up

supplies, but the question remains: Where will additional blood come

from, especially as the traditional summertime doldrums set in?

“It’s a very selfish attitude,” Alice Johnson, at Hoag’s blood donor

center, said about the lack of donors. “You literally make a difference

in someone’s life.”

She’s right. And that’s where we can help.

Blood donated to hospitals and the Red Cross is used to aid cancer

patients and those in need of transfusions because of emergency,

life-threatening injuries.

Blood supplies are crucial and save lives and you, too, could one day

be on the receiving end.

So come on. Roll up your sleeves, grit your teeth and give until it


We guarantee, there will be a thankful recipient.
