
Mailbag - May 15, 2001

Columnist’s views of Christians are unwarranted

This is regarding Joseph N. Bell’s May 3 column, “Learning the real

meaning of ‘Reclaiming America for Christ.”’

Oh those Christians. Imagine, wanting to have a positive effect on our

culture. Their audacity in exercising their right to participate in the

American political system and having a political agenda.

It sounds like Bell would be more comfortable if these radicals were

whisked off to relocation camps where they could be controlled.

Bell paints all Christians with the same black brush, comparing them

to a small group of 40 years ago. The vitriol and hype of Bell’s column

sound more like that era than the words of D. James Kennedy, founder of

Coral Ridge Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


Newport Beach

Only shorten Christmas boat parade days

We have for many years enjoyed many functions around the beautiful

Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade. I understand that there’s a

possibility that it will not take place down the Lido Channel. What I

want to offer is just some options to be considered versus omitting the

boat parade down the channel.

The number of days that the boat parade is offered could be shortened.

That would certainly ease the amount of pressure and responsibility on

boat owners, and yet still provide a tradition that has taken place for

many, many years that many residents on Lido, as well as family and

friends, have enjoyed. I will be sending a letter to the Newport Harbor

Area Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Women’s Club to just voice my

concern about what exactly they’re reviewing at this time.


Lido Isle

Editor’s Note: Diana Miner is president of the Lido Isle Women’s Club.

Reader praises work of Newport Beach police

On April 21, I was viciously assaulted by a motorist. This took place

on Balboa Peninsula, near 23rd Street and Balboa Boulevard.

I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank all the people who

came to my assistance and defense. Without their intervention, I may well

have been more physically injured than I was.

My thanks to the Newport Beach Police Department and all of its

officers. My thanks also to the Newport Beach Fire Department and the

paramedics. Both groups arrived on the scene within two minutes of being


And most especially, I would like to thank all the nameless citizens

who took it upon themselves to get involved and stop my assailant from

doing me more harm. These people did not know me, yet chose to help me.

The state of the world cannot be so bad when others will forget their

personal safety to help someone in need.

A detective has been assigned to the case, so all we can do now is let

justice run its course.

For myself, I simply want this person helped so that he does not vent

his rage against anyone else.


Newport Beach
