


The Planning Commission approved a plan to allow the Expo Design

Center at 6912 Edinger Ave. to host tent sales in its parking lot up to

five times a year, with a maximum of 10 days per event.


In the Zoning Administrator’s March 21 meeting, Expo Design received

approval for tent sales as well as year-round outdoor retail sales along

store frontage. Commissioner Ed Kerins appealed the decision, citing

concerns that the tents should be reviewed by the city’s Design Review

Board, assurance that the outdoor events fit in to established urban

design guidelines, as well as the fear that by approving this project,

the city was setting a precedent for other retailers down the road.

Some commissioners said that by allowing year-round store front sales

for Expo Design, the city would set up a reference for all other

businesses seeking the same luxury.

Ultimately, the commission approved a conditional use permit for Expo

Design’s tent sales, but required that the 40-foot by 90-foot tent be

reviewed by the Design Review Board, establish a sunset clause of three

years for the outdoor events and removed the year-round retail option

from the permit. The decision also stated that only one tent event could

be held at one time, and required a security guard to be present to watch

over merchandise should a sale last more than one day.


5-0, with Commissioner Connie Mandic absent and Commissioner Bill

Borden abstaining.


The Planning Commission will reconvene on May 8 at 7 p.m. in the

council chambers of City Hall at 2000 Main St.
