

I have, I think, a solution to the woes of Costa Mesa.

1. We can take the Fish Fry -- I’m a Lions Club member -- and move it

over to TeWinkle Park in the area between Davis School and the baseball

field. We can use the track area that was once for Davis Junior High

School and the Pop Warner and the soccer fields right next to the

baseball fields. There’s plenty of parking with use of a shuttle service

from Costa Mesa High School. It would fit in there without any difficulty


2. City Hall had wanted Vanguard University to purchase it; sell it to

them. Then have Estancia High School students move to Costa Mesa High

School, and have the city buy Estancia High School for a City Hall.

And we talk about the plight of the Westside. Why not bring City Hall

over there and start a whole new situation? Start from the ground up.

City Hall could be taken over by the high school. We would have the two

gymnasiums for leisure services. We would have the swimming pool that

we’re going to lose down at the city park for leisure services. We’d have

all the activity in the fields. There’s plenty of room to add for

additional office space, etc.

By moving Estancia High School to Costa Mesa High School, we can

occupy one school with two, therefore taking up the problem that we have

with the minor enrollments of both schools in making it one Division

I-type school again. City Hall could get out of its place. Newport-Mesa

schools could get a fairly substantial shot in the arm with the purchase

of the high school.

So, there we have it. We’ve taken care of City Hall woes. We’ve taken

care of the Fish Fry. We’ve put Estancia High School at Costa Mesa High

School and combined it into one. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

* BOB CROGAN is a Costa Mesa resident.
