
Learning about Mother Earth

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Danette Goulet

NEWPORT BEACH - A is not for Apple. A is for Acid rain. B is for not

Boy, but rather Bioremediation. And C is for conservation, according to

fifth-grade students at Harbor View Elementary School.

The lesson came as three classes in three grade levels taught their

peers at Harbor View about Earth Day on Friday morning.

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 in the United States, was first held

in 1970.

The concept for creating a special day dedicated to teaching people to

take care of the earth was developed by former Sen. Gaylord Nelson.

“We learned all about the environment,” said Tamara Parks, one of the

fifth-graders who helped prepare the program. “We learned about land,

water and air pollution.”

Second- and third-grade students held up brightly colored letters of

the alphabet while their fifth-grade counterparts recited what that

letter stood for.

Next the group recited a poem reminiscent of Dr. Seuss called “For the

Love of Our Earth.”

“That was really cool -- I liked that,” said Alex DiCaprao, 12, to her

classmates at the conclusion of the assembly.

“They were so together,” added an impressed Kristen Chapman, 12.

“And because Earth Day is really important,” agreed Sidnee Acuna, also


Leading up to the big presentation Friday, students did a myriad of

projects, which included building a bird house, cleaning up an oil spill,

recycling their lunch-trash and writing poetry and essays, said their

teacher, Linda Wawra.

“They are just so into this -- they really bought into it,” Wawra

said. “It’s really so important.”
