
Briefly in the news

The Costa Mesa Sanitary District is expected today to once again

postpone a decision to standardize trash containers throughout the city.

The district has been working for at least three years on the program

to provide uniform trash containers to residents.

If approved, residents will be given their choice of as many free 60-

and 90-gallon containers as they need, said board member Dan Worthington,

adding that smaller 35-gallon cans will also be available.

The district board last month directed staff members to put the issue

on today’s agenda and to have a special meeting April 26 to finalize its

color choices and other details.

The decision has been postponed to allow the district more time to

draft an agreement proposal for buying the containers, which the board is

now expected to approve on April 26.

“We’ll see if we can work everything out financially tonight, then on

April 26 we’re going to have a meeting to hopefully make all the

decisions,” said board President Arlene Schafer.
