
Readers Respond -- How should Costa Mesa deal with the affordable

housing issue?

In regards to “Cut back affordable housing, Steel says” (March 23):

Wow, these latest remarks from Chris Steel actually show what an elitist

he is. He seems to have no care for the common man or the average citizen

who works hard and deserves a good place to stay. Maybe he ought to take

a look at the old movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” with Jimmy Stewart.

Maybe Steel ought to take a walk around his community. Maybe then he’ll

learn something.


Costa Mesa

Libby Cowan is ludicrous. She just wants the federal money they get

for the charities. Does she ever drive up 19th Street in Costa Mesa? And

let’s ask Newport Beach how they deal with the issues of the charities

and the homeless.


Costa Mesa

The City of Costa Mesa has a Human Relations Committee “to encourage

the education about, and communication between the various cultures

residing in Costa Mesa.” They meet the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Steel needs to attend these meetings and learn something about his

neighbors. His comments regarding affordable housing and “getting serious

about the people we let live here” are extremely offensive. What we do

not need in Costa Mesa is discrimination, prejudice and divisive

language. Most of the world’s problems would disappear if we all could

learn to accept each other as human beings. And that attitude needs to

start at the local community level. As a resident of Costa Mesa, I’m

ashamed that you represent me.


Costa Mesa

I have to admit I am just absolutely appalled with Steel’s philosophy.

Costa Mesa’s a diverse community and has an opportunity to embrace our

American heritage. Steel’s idea for a community for only the wealthy is

completely unacceptable and undermines the very concept of our great

democracy. He doesn’t want a community; he wants to be a dictator. I just

pray that the Costa Mesa community will not allow this attitude to


I am actually late to an appointment this morning; I am so upset about

this attitude that he has. I definitely feel that Costa Mesa needs to

deal with the issue of affordable housing and keep it a true community

with all the diversity that a true community should have.


Balboa Island
