
Briefly in the news

Hoag Hospital’s heart institute has set up a voucher program to help

bring automated external defibrillators to Orange County.

The portable machines, which are easy to use, dramatically increase

the chance of survival during cardiac arrest, a condition that currently

kills about 220,000 Americans every year. Studies indicate that using the

machine increases the chance of survival from 5% to as much as 45%. Time

is critical following cardiac arrest as the chance of survival drops 10%

with each minute that passes without defibrillation and virtually no one

survives after 10 minutes.

The program will make 200 vouchers available to local organizations

interested in obtaining the machine. The defibrillators are designed for

use by people with no medical experience after minimal training. The

vouchers give a $1,000 discount on the machines, which normally sell for

$3,500. The institute will also assist organizations with a site

assessment and training for staff members.

Vouchers will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.

Information: (949) 760-2095
