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The Community United Methodist Church will host a blood drive from 2

to 8 p.m. April 3 at 6652 Heil Ave., Huntington Beach.

Donors must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and

be in good health. Walk-ins are welcome or you may schedule an

appointment by calling (714) 842-4461.

Volunteer monitoring of Least Terns set

Wildlife photographer Peter Knapp will be coordinating a volunteer

program under the Department of Fish and Game to monitor the nesting

island for Least Tern activities.

The monitoring will be conducted for seven days a week, 12 hours a day

in four-hour shifts from mid-April through the end of July. Information:

(714) 846-1114.

Lifeguard tryouts to be held Sunday

Tryouts for Huntington Beach City Lifeguards will be held at 8 a.m.

Sunday at the Lifeguard Headquarters, 103 Pacific Coast Highway.

The performance exam will consist of three physical events, including

a 1,000-yard swim, 500-yard ocean swim and a 1,500-yard run-swim-run.

Applications for the exam can be picked up prior to the ocean swims at

the Lifeguard Headquarters. Information: (714) 536-5281.

Groups get grant from PacifiCare

The Huntington Beach Community Clinic and Adult Day Services of Orange

County received funding from the PacifiCare Foundation to support

programs aimed at improving the quality of social services in the


The clinic will use its $10,000 grant to expand on-site counseling at

five new schools.

The Adult Day Services will use the grant to offset additional

staffing costs, purchase supplies and provide a stipend to visiting

