


The Planning Commission approved a plan for a new Chevron service

station and convenience store at 6972 Warner Avenue, at the corner of

Goldenwest Street.


Commission staff had asked for a denial of the project, which includes

the destruction of a structure at the site and construction of a new

service station, four gas pumps, two fuel storage tanks, a gas pump

canopy, landscape improvements and a permit to sell beer and wine for

off-site consumption.

Instead, the commission approved Chevron’s proposal.

Amy Wolfe, an associate planner, said the plan did not meet planning

and architectural design guidelines set forth in the city’s general plan

and urban design guidelines.

Chevron officials proposed a plan with the service station and store

at the rear of the property, facing out toward the street, with the gas

pumps and the storefront clearly visible from major streets.

A reversed layout with the building along the street, Wolfe said,

would enhance the area and form a visible link in the area.

Chevron officials stressed that their proposal is adequate because it

maximizes visibility of the area from both Warner Avenue and Goldenwest

Street, giving police an easy view when conducting safety sweeps. It also

gives employees a better view of the gas pump area and the street-front

and parking areas of the property.


6-1, with Commissioner Ed Kerins dissenting.

WHAT HAPPENED: Commissioner Fred Speaker resigned from his seat on

the planning commission Tuesday after more than six years serving the


WHAT IT MEANS: “I feel like it is time,” Speaker said. “I’ve

enjoyed volunteering my time, but look forward to going back to my


Speaker has served six and a half years as a planning commissioner

following his appointment by Councilman Dave Garofalo.

He will go back to his vehicle business, S & S Auto Leasing, and

thanked his fellow commissioners and planning staff for their efforts to

serve the city.


The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission, set for March 27

at 7 p.m., has been tentatively canceled. The commission will convene at

its following meeting date of April 10 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers

of City Hall at 2000 Main St.
