

Darren W. Long of Huntington Beach was promoted to the rank of Air

Force master sergeant. Long is a KC-10A aircraft maintenance

qualification training program instructor assigned to the 60th Logistics

Support Squadron at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield. He is the son of

Jack W. Long of Huntington Beach . . . Army Pvt. Geoffrey S. Flores

graduated from basic combat training at Fort Knox, Ky. During the

training, he received instructions in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map

reading, tactics, military courtesy, physical fitness, first aid and Army

history and traditions. He is the son of Steven J. Flores and stepson of

Nicole M. Flores of Huntington Beach . . . Air Force Airman Bonnie M.

Lyon graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base in

San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of training, she studied the Air

Force mission, organization and customs and received special training in

human relations. She is the daughter of June Curtis of Huntington Beach.

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