

South County cities fighting a proposed airport for the closed El Toro

Marine base Monday asked a court to fast-track their appeal of the ruling

invalidating Measure F.

The El Toro Reuse Planning Authority requested the expedited hearing

schedule in court papers filed with the 4th District Court of Appeal in

Santa Ana.

On Jan. 26, the group appealed Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James

Otero’s ruling declaring Measure F unconstitutional.

Otero tossed the measure out in December, angering South County civic

leaders who rejoiced when Measure F was approved by 67% of Orange County

residents. The measure would have required a two-thirds approval of

voters before the county could build an airport, jail or landfill.

The request for an expedited appeal was filed nearly a year to the day

that Measure F passed on a countywide ballot. The initiative sailed to

victory March 7, 2000.
