

Ensign Intermediate School dads are charting the course for the coming

months. The Ensign Navigators, an organization of students’ dads, works

with the school to provide needed resources.

The group will meet Friday to discuss upcoming projects. The group is

hoping to seal and re-stripe the basketball courts, as well as upgrade

the hoops and nets.

Many projects such as this are supported by parents, who volunteer

time or give in-kind services and direct donations.

The meetings, usually held on the first Friday of each school month at

the Ensign school library, also provide the dads’ with an inside view of

the schools activities and staff.

They learn firsthand about a variety of programs and get information

about the school.

Membership is open to all interested parents. Information: Navigator

President Gary Ritchie, (949) 729-1595, or Principal Mike McGuire, (949)

