
City Hall gets an artsy look

Danette Goulet

NEWPORT BEACH -- What is normally a bland, white corridor in City Hall

has been turned into a veritable feast for the eyes, packed with the

flavors of many artistic minds.

A far cry from the pretty but mundane oils or watercolors found at

some art exhibits, the City Hall display boasts truly innovative works by

students at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District’s Alternative

Education Center.

The first thing to greet a viewer’s eye is a display of egg crates

painted in a wild array of colors and designs.

Painting one of these crates is the first and only assignment Tom

Lamar gives his art students at Back Bay High School.

“He wants to see our imagination,” said Amanda Azurin, 17, a senior at

Back Bay.

Amanda said she loves the free reign that Lamar gives his students,

adding that she never really cared for art before taking his class.

“It just lets you open up to more things,” she said.

Artworks from the district’s three alternative education centers --

Back Bay, Monte Vista High School and the Enterprise program -- will be

on display until March. A special reception was held Friday night to

honor the students.

The reception was put together by Syd Lucas of the Newport Beach

Sunrise Rotary Club and Hallie Strock, the city’s cultural arts


The exhibit includes a man’s loafer turned into a festive creation.

The artist painted it pink, added sparkles, tassels, a ribbon and more to

give it new life.

Back Bay senior David Martinez used original layering techniques to

create some of his intricate art.

He and Amanda said they were extremely excited to have their work

displayed in such an important location.

“I was surprised,” Amanda said. “People don’t usually see my art and

now it’s on display.”

David was equally pleased.

“I’ve been in art contests before, but this is City Hall,” he said.
