
Dear Santa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Every year, children everywhere pour their hearts out

in letters to Santa Claus. Before some of the Newport-Mesa letters

reached the North Pole, we asked the postmaster to share some of the

letters that children have been sending to Santa Claus. We have published

them as they were written.

Dear Santa,

I think I have been good this year. This is what I want for christmas

this year:

1. a puppy (male yellow lab)

2. lava lamp (blue and silver)

3. Beanie Babies (New ones and Sparky)

4. Board Games (monoply 2000)

5. Nintendo Games (ManoKart, Zelda)

6. Gameboy Games (102 dal.)

7. art sets

8. Bopit extreme

9. a present for may (dog)


Newport Beach

Dear, Santa I’am Katelyn

I live in anaheim but I’am staying at my papa’s house in Costamesa

I’am seven years old I want

1. nainpolish

2. makeup

3. a phone

4. my own size Barbie

5. Poo chi

6. my own t.v.

7. Razor skooder

8. C.D. player

9. CDS

10. skate board

11. Rollorblades I love you santa

this is if you want to do this for them

Ruffs, buttins, buster,

Dog list

1. bones

2. balls

3. leaches

4. food

5. treats

6. horses


Costa Mesa

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy! Please bring some of these thing for me.

Thank you!

Don’t Wake Daddy game

Pokemon Thunderstorm gift box

Tyco-X-treme cycle remote control

Hot Wheels Car Launcher

Hot Wheels Tornado Twister

Tech Deck Bike System

GI Joe


Lego Soccer Gave

New Helmet

Hot Wheels Thunder Roller

Trend Master Digital Video Camera

Gold Version Gameboy


Boxing gloves



Newport Beach

Dear Santa,

May I please have a real gorse with my own sadle, a rideing helmet, a

rinding Jacket, a 5 ft short bord and alot of cool surpes. a new back

pack and 2 pers of roxy shots

P.S. If you can not get the real horse it is ok. Merry Christmas have

a happy new year.

My address is ... If you get lost here is my phone number ... ride

safe. Good night. Thank you!



Costa Mesa

Dear Santa,

This is a list of things I want for Christmas this year. A Razar, aSee

through pur;oe Gameboy,” I want diva starddel and I want the one named

Summer. If I get a Game boy I want the game “Super Mario Deluxe.” I also

want a Tv of my own with cable.



Costa Mesa

Dear Satna,

I want to tell you what I want for Xmas. I want a doll in my stoking

and a candycane. I want a stuffed sailor moon and magic magin doll and a

spic gril doll and Dorothay doll.



Newport Beach

Dear Santa,

I think I’ve been a good boy this year. I love you. Please bring me a

present. I would like a Hot Wheel Tornado Twister, and Hot Wheel Jumping

Cobra set. I would like a play horse too, please. I’m five years old. Can

you bring my cat Henry a cat present please!? Thank you! I’ll leave you

cookies and carrots for Rudolph.



Newport Beach

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good girl this year. I would like to have a few of

these things please. I think your elfs are nice to make these things that

they should get stuff too. I hope you and the raindeers get carrots and

you shoud get presents from Miss Claus. And don’t eat too many cookies or

you will get stuck in the chimny.



Newport Beach

Dear Santa,

My name is Jack. I am 4 1/2 years old. I live in Costa Mesa.

I have been pretty good this year. We just got adopted in July and my

mom says I’ve been good! I pick up my toys. I brush my teeth. I watch

before I cross the street. I help my mom cook and clean dishes. I eat

healthy food -- most of the time!

I would like the Viper, some Hot Wheels, Silly Six Pins, a box for my

Hot Wheels, some books -- I like when my mom reads to me. I would like

some play money too. Please get some toys for the poor kids. I love you

-- fly safe and say hello Rudolph.



Costa Mesa

Blues Clues, Power Ranger (Red)

a play car


Big Big Bear

Squirt Gun

Thank Santa


Costa Mesa

Dear Santa I woud like Make-up Minnie and a dream catcher a choker


Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas!



Newport Beach


My name is JORDAN, I am in fourth grade. My Birthday is on September

1. I only want 7 things for Chirtmas. What I want to have so badly is a

Gameboy, a long bord skatebord, computer with a printer, play station 2,

TONY Hawk skatebord prow with a controlor A COOL BIKE, and a Big Big and

I mean Big Bunk Bed.

P.S. I WILL Never forget you in my nice soLemn soul.



Costa Mesa

Dear Santa,

I would like for Christmas a Mary Kate and Ashley dools and A Britney

Spears stage.

Thank you.

I’m 3 years old. Mommy helped me writer this. God Bless.

Love Always,


Costa Mesa

Dear Santa,

I’m sorry I’ve sent so many wish lists, but I keep seeing more and

more cool things on television. Here are some things I want:

1. Poke’mon silver, and yellow versions

2. Dragon Fly R.C. Car

3. Every kind of Creepy Crawlers accesory kit.

P.S. Never give me everything I ask for.



Newport Beach

Dear Santa,

I would like amazing elastic plastic blue wheels and hand grips for my

scootes and a puppy.



Costa Mesa
