
Letter to the Editor

Wake up City Council!

Wake up citizens of Newport Beach who vote and even those who don’t!

It is abundantly clear we citizens have voted in a City Council that

does not represent our wishes, but only the wishes of developers that run

this town and push their weight around.

The passing of Measure S was a good start my fellow citizens, but we

must remain vigilant at the voting box if we hope to achieve a quality of

life here in Newport Beach we all desire.

We must not be, nor become, complacent that our elected officials will

now make their decisions based on the best interests of their


Be skeptical, aware of the issues and continue to vote. We must think

and act past the sound bites, slick special interest advertising,

intimidation and scare tactics of those who would profit from strangling

our roads with traffic, and the attendant pollution.

The quality of life in Newport Beach is an issue, I believe, everyone

should get involved in.


Newport Beach
