
Dear Steve Letters

Columnist’s comments on new councilman off the mark

Where on the West Side does Daily Pilot columnist Steve Smith live

(“Steel’s unbending beliefs may not bode well for us,” Nov. 11)? Who

taught him to spew hatred and, yes, racism.

Normally a new council person would be welcomed before trying to

vilify him or her. It’s just good manners.

But I think Smith is sadly lacking in that department.

Smith speaks as if he knows Chris Steel. I believe that he has never

met the man.

I have known Steel for 20 years. He is honest, forthright, spirited

and speaks his mind. But he is not a hatemonger.

Smith has no grasp of the problems concerning this city and the West

Side in particular. If he did, he would be part of the solution and not

part of the problem, as he so obviously is.

Does Smith even come from Costa Mesa?

No violent crime? A man was bludgeoned to death only days ago at the

Golden Dragon.

What planet has Smith been living on? We have most of the charities

for the entire county and scores for schools that are some of the lowest

in the state. Smith needs a dose of reality.

The city elected Steel overwhelmingly, a mandate that says they want a


What on earth are you all so afraid of?


Costa Mesa

Amazement at Steel’s election echoed

I’m a 25-year resident of the East Side -- lived in the same


I’m calling to congratulate Steve Smith’s for his column on Saturday

concerning Chris Steel’s election and Steel’s beliefs as far as where

this city should be headed.

I also noticed that his comments in the debates were certainly bending

the truth. I appreciate Smith’s sincerity and his honesty in his

wonderful article concerning our city.

I appreciate Smith very much; I agree with him. I’m completely baffled

at how Steel has been elected. I am quite concerned about his election.

I plan on making some council meetings now that Steel is elected to

get my voice heard. I am, of course, against the job center being closed.

I have used it for years and years. It’s a wonderful place to get good


I’ve never had a problem with any helper, and I’ve probably hired four

or five dozen of them over a number of years, a few times each year.

Again, thanks Steve Smith. I really appreciate your article, and I’m

behind you.


Costa Mesa
