

I have a suggestion and a challenge for all parties that may help

resolve the El Toro debate once and for all.

Let’s imagine for a moment that the Marines never left El Toro. Let’s

say it is still a fully operational Marine Corps air base and will

continue to operate as such for the next 100 years.

The caps at John Wayne Airport, however, will still expire in 2005.

Given this scenario, what would the people of Newport Beach and Costa

Mesa propose as an alternative? Another site in Orange County? A remote

location, like March Air Force Base?

Would they pursue an extension of the caps at John Wayne Airport or

close John Wayne and tell everyone to use Ontario? What is the best

alternative if El Toro is taken out the equation?

The issue of future air transportation affects all of us. Our county

Board of Supervisors has deliberately tried the “divide and conquer”

strategy to keep the airport cities and South County from working

together to seek a truly workable solution.

Sadly, we have all fallen for this ruse.

Therefore, I challenge the best and brightest minds in Newport Beach

and South County to explore the options available to all of us if El Toro

were still a Marine Corps base. What would Newport Beach residents be

doing right now to protect their future?


Lake Forest
