
South Huntington Beach Waves score a 10

The South Huntington Beach Waves, a girls’ 10-and-Under Division

winterball softball team, ran their league winning streak to 10 games

Saturday by sweeping a doubleheader from the Garden Grove X-Girls, 6-5,

7-2, in fast-pitch action.

In the first game, the Waves faced a five run deficit through the

first three innings of play, but completed a fourth-inning rally with a

two-runs batted in triple by Katrice Shaner, who drove in the tying and

go-ahead runs.

In both games, the Waves combined for 19 hits and 13 RBIs.

Nicole Peckman paced the offense with four singles and two RBIs, Katie

Sullivan singled twice with two RBIs, and Sara Taylor doubled with two


Lorny Freeland and Monica Bledsoe each had three singles and an RBI;

Danielle Delany doubled, singled, and had an RBI; and Hilary Pool singled

with an RBI.
