
Letter to the Editor

Earlier this month the city approved the placement of political signs

in the public right of way, seven days a week and 24 hours a day.

You and I as John Q. Public are allowed to exercise our freedom of

speech in the public right of way between Friday’s and Sundays. Once

again it appears that the Constitution of the United States means nothing

to the politicians and our city.

I use to believe that everyone was afforded equal rights, but our

politicians continue to have rights that are not in line with everyone in

the public sector.

Let’s get the political signs out of the public right of way. In fact

let’s get all signs (real estate, garage sales, and those bright orange

signs that advertise computer shows in Anaheim) out of the public right

of way.

We would then save some money and time in the code enforcement

division, and free up code enforcement to police other hot topics in the

city such as your neighbors front yard that has weeds 5 feet tall!


Costa Mesa
