
Police files - Oct. 7, 2000


* Bristol Street: An auto theft was reported in the 800 block at 1:30

p.m. Tuesday.

* Joann Street: A home burglary was reported in the 600 block at 2:20

p.m. Tuesday.

* South Coast Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 900

block at 9:22 p.m. Tuesday.

* Village Creek: An auto theft was reported in the 800 block at 1:30

p.m. Tuesday.


* Coast Highway/Jasmine Avenue: A cellular phone was reported stolen

from a vehicle at 11:10 a.m. Tuesday.

* Marguerite Avenue: A laptop computer was reported stolen from the

pastor’s office at the Newport Center United Methodist Church at 8:32

p.m. Tuesday.

* Placentia Avenue/West 15th Street: Some people reportedly shot a cat

with a pellet gun Tuesday, injuring the cat’s leg.

* West Coast Highway: Boat parts worth $8,700 were stolen from a boat

store in the 2200 block at 12:25 p.m. Wednesday.

* Poinsettia Avenue/Ocean Boulevard: Utility items valued at about

$2,600 were reported stolen from a vehicle at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday.
