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In today’s information-driven society, libraries could be your best

link for keeping your edge. To learn how smart you are about this vital

community resource, start with this true-false quiz, then grade yourself

with the answers and scorecard below.


1. It costs money to get a library card.

2. I can find a voter registration form at any Newport Beach Public


3. I have to wait until my 6-month-old child turns 2 to bring him or

her to story time.

4. I can check out library videos for free.

5. My son likes rap, my spouse likes opera, and I like show tunes.

We’ll need to spend a fortune at a music store to please everyone on our

driving vacation.

6. There’s no good way to talk to my kids about books.

7. I need a library card to access the Newport Beach Public Library’s

new ProQuest database, leading to thousands of magazine and newspaper


8. I need to walk into a library to ask a reference question.

9. I just inherited a painting. I think it’s valuable. I can find the

artist and what some of his paintings recently sold for on the library’s

ArtNet database.

10. I’ve read all of David Baldacci’s mysteries. I’ll have to wait

until he writes his next page-turner for new literary thrills.

11. I can find out what’s on library shelves at any time of the day or


12. My boss wants me to do a report about exporting our product to

Asia. The library’s NetAdvantage database practically writes it for me.

13. Help! My term paper on “The Tempest” is due tomorrow, but the

library’s closed. I’m out of luck.

14. I can e-mail my daughter in college from the library.

15. I’m arguing with my brother about who the American League’s Most

Valuable Player was a year ago. I can call library reference, and they

will look it up for me.

16. It’s OK to wear pajamas to the library.

17. We’re moving to the East Coast, and I need a job. I’ll have to

wait until we get there to start looking.

18. I’m in my car all day and don’t have time to read. I can get books

on tape at the library for free.

19. If I want to see live music or dance, I’ll need to head to a local


20. There’s no place besides my living room for my son to study with

his friends.


1. False

2. True

3. False; bring him to Books & Babies at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 24 at the

Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach.

4. True; hundreds of classics and foreign films may be checked out at

no cost. Current releases are available overnight for $1.

5. False; find thousands of compact discs at Newport libraries.

6. False; three different parent-child book clubs meet at the Central


7. True

8. False; contact the reference desk by phone at (949) 717-3800, fax

at (949) 640-5648 or e-mail at o7 [email protected] .

9. True

10. False; find similar books through NoveList, an online readers’

advisory tool.

11. True; at o7 https://www.newportbeachlibrary.orgf7 .

12. True

13. False; find help from Cliffs Notes in the eBook collection,

accessible soon from o7 https://wwwnewportbeachlibrary.orgf7 .

14. True

15. True

16. True; Central Library Pajama Story time meets at 7 p.m. Mondays.

17. False; find print and online classifieds in many library


18. True

19. False; a broad spectrum of talented artists perform regularly at

the Central Library.

20. False; the Central Library’s Teen Center is a great study spot for

students in seventh through 12th grades.

Now score yourself according to the number of answers you responded to

correctly. 15-20: You must be one of our regular customers. 10-14: You

may not know the library is more than books. 1-9: It’s been too long.

Come check us out!

* CHECK IT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public

Library. This week’s column is by Melissa Adams in collaboration with

Sara Barnicle, Judy Booth and Gina Moffitt.
