
MAILBAG - Sept. 28, 2000

I read with interest and dismay Jan Vandersloot’s letter concerning

Bob Wynn in the Aug. 29 edition.

Wynn served as Newport Beach city manager for more than 20 years with

honor and integrity and, in my view, contributed more than any other

single person to making this city as great as it is today.

He opposes the Greenlight initiative for very good reasons. We elect

councilmen who we think will fairly represent our interests in

complicated issues. The city hires highly qualified professionals to

administer the policies established by our elected City Council.

Greenlight would change that form of government and take from the

council and city staff the responsibility they are best qualified to deal


Vandersloot’s motives are clear and that is his self-serving interest

to stop development in Newport Beach or to make it so cumbersome and

expensive that no one will risk going through the approval process.

The result of his thinking is that Newport Beach property that should

be developed or redeveloped will not be, even if it is in the best

interest of the city and those of us who live here.

Vandersloot’s personal attack on Wynn, a man who for more than 20

years managed the affairs of the city with great integrity and success,

is disgraceful.


Newport Beach
