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Experian Information Solutions, a high-tech market research company,

has requested modifications to plans for its corporate headquarters at

475 Anton Blvd.

The City Council originally approved the plans in February and revised

them in August to allow 100 more rooms -- for a total of 300 -- in a

planned South Coast Metro Center hotel sharing the site with Experian.

Experian is requesting that the council delete a planter box

requirement for a proposed parking garage on the property. The company

wants to plant trees and vines instead because they would be easier to

maintain, according to the staff report.

The company is also requesting permission to construct four buildings

on 525,000 square feet of the property. Previously approved plans call

for three buildings on 350,000 square feet.

* What to expect: The Planning Commission and city staff are

recommending the council approve the new amendments.

Experian is in the process of moving its headquarters to the South

Coast Metro area. The company plans to build four new office buildings,

two restaurants, a retail building, a health club and two garages there.


The City Council is scheduled to consider a new location for model

glider takeoff and landing areas at Fairview Park.

The Harbor Soaring Society uses a location next to the park’s Canyon

Drive parking lot, which conflicts with a planned multipurpose trail that

will run from the end of Pacific Avenue to the park entrance at Canyon

Drive. The proposed location is north of the trail.

* What to expect: The takeoff and landing zone proposed in the

Fairview Park master plan is next to the restrooms, but staff and society

members agree that the new location would be more beneficial.

The current location was moved in the master plan because the glider

launch lines would cross a proposed pedestrian trail and because glider

activity would be incompatible with a California Native Grassland habitat

planned there.

The society objected to the master plan location, however, because the

launching and landing areas would be in separate locations and the

aircraft would fly over the picnic area and restrooms.

The Planning Commission and parks commission are recommending approval

of the new location.


The City Council will decide when to fill the vacancy on the parks

commission created by Mike Scheafer’s resignation last month.

Scheafer said he resigned because City Atty. Jerry Scheer’s office

issued a recommendation in January that Scheafer abstain from voting on a

skate park issue. Scheafer said he did not find out about the

recommendation until August.

Scheer said the recommendation was not a requirement and that Scheafer

made the final decision to abstain.

* What to expect: City staff is recommending the council authorize it

to recruit candidates to fill the position. The commission can function

if Scheafer’s spot is not immediately filled, according to a staff


Alternatives include waiting until March 2001, when the position

expires, and reconsidering the size of the commission.


* WHO: Costa Mesa City Council members

* WHAT: Regular meeting

* WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive

* WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday

* INFORMATION: (714) 754-5223


Gary Monahan, mayor

Libby Cowan

Joe Erickson

Linda Dixon

Heather Somers
