

Jennifer Kho


The Planning Commission is scheduled to have a public hearing

reviewing a new location for glider takeoff and landing areas at Fairview


The Harbor Soaring Society uses a location next to the park’s Canyon

Drive parking lot, which conflicts will a planned multipurpose trail that

will run from the end of Pacific Avenue to the park entrance at Canyon


The proposed location is north of the trail.

What to expect: The takeoff and landing zone proposed in the Fairview

Park master plan is next to the restrooms, but staff and society members

agree that the new location would be more beneficial.

The current location was moved in the master plan because the glider

launch lines would cross a proposed pedestrian trail and because the

glider activity would be incompatible with a California Native Grassland

habitat planned there.

The society objected to the master plan location, however, because the

launching and landing areas would be in separate locations and the

aircraft would fly over the picnic area and restrooms.

City staff has recommended that the council approve the new location.


The Segerstrom Home Ranch proposal, a 90-acre plan originally

scheduled for Planning Commission review in June, was redesigned and is

on the agenda for today.

The modified proposal for the Home Ranch site -- between Sunflower

Avenue, the San Diego Freeway, Fairview Road and Harbor Boulevard --

includes a 17-acre IKEA furniture store, 950,000 square feet of office

space and more than 900 homes.

What to expect: A draft environmental impact report studying the

revised plans must be completed before the Planning Commission can review

the proposal.

The amount of time it will take to create the report has not been

determined, and city staff has recommended that the project be pulled

from the agenda.

If it is pulled, the proposal will be brought back to the commission

after the impact report schedule is refined.


WHO: Costa Mesa Planning Commission

WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa

WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today

PHONE: (714) 754-5245.
