

In response to Joseph Bell’s column regarding the Republican Party and

its stance regarding homosexuality (“GOP’s ‘compassionate conservatism’

should extend to gays,” Aug. 10), he is entirely correct that

compassionate conservatism needs to go beyond political expediency.

Bell is mistaken, however, when he tries to equate showing compassion

with condoning immoral behavior.

For example, compassionate conservatism for a drug addict would

involve helping to provide the treatment necessary to overcome the

person’s addiction, but it would not involve condoning their use of

drugs. This is the basis for the “love the sinner, hate the sin” credo

for which we Christians are often called hypocritical.

In trying to justify the homosexual lifestyle, Bell wonders why

Christians consistently refer to “obscure verses” to bolster their case

against homosexuality. It is actually the proponents of homosexuality

that twist Scripture to try to fit their lifestyle. When Paul writes in

Romans about having unnatural relations, the proponents of homosexuality

try to tell us that he meant acts that were against their “natural

inclination” of homosexuality. No unbiased reader would interpret this

text in this way.

I assume as a “fundamentalist Christian” (which I consider a

compliment, rather than a pejorative description), some may consider me

closed-minded and judgmental. If by my believing there are absolutes in

terms of right and wrong and homosexuality is not simply an alternative

lifestyle choice, that makes others consider me closed-minded, it is a

price I am willing to pay.

Bell gives a specific example of homosexuals living as caring,

productive members of our society. And I am sure he could come up with

hundreds of more examples.

Although I feel sympathy for each individual involved in that

lifestyle, my biggest concern is not with individuals and their sexual

orientation. My main concern is with the “homosexual agenda” in general

and the attempt to get homosexuality validated as simply another

lifestyle choice. When those promoting a homosexual lifestyle want it

integrated into school curriculum or presented to our youth as simply an

alternative lifestyle, I believe we are obligated to make our opinions


Judging from the results of the voting on the Defense of Marriage Act,

the vast majority of California citizens think the same way.


Costa Mesa

Try double checking library information

I believe that the Daily Pilot’s reporting on the Newport Beach

Library has become exceedingly harmful, because it is derived largely

from hearsay, gossip, questionable sources and under-the-table


The Pilot publishes statements and figures that do not conform to

records or facts that are readily and officially available from the

library staff.

We suggest all reporters and editors of the Pilot follow the same high

standard of journalistic research, consisting of checking and rechecking,

that many reporters follow. There is no substitute.


Newport Beach
