

Regarding the current activity surrounding Mayor Dave Garofalo and

your attack on City Atty. Gail Hutton [Editorial, “Did Gail Hutton sleep

through a scandal?” Aug. 3], I wish to point out that her office is in

the unique position of representing all citizens of Huntington Beach as

the need arises, and this includes the mayor and other council members.

The day of the Salem witch hunt and public lynchings are long gone.

Your article merely throws gasoline on the fire already set by those

“wannabe” council persons, and others seeking a three-minute sound bite.

The city attorney, in carrying out her duly mandated activities, is

not required to follow behind every citizen of Huntington Beach with a

dust broom and pan, to sweep up the debris as it flows around our fair


Each citizen alone is charged with the personal responsibility to act

in a civilized manner themselves and use common sense to carry out their

day-to-day (and night) activities.

When the mayor said, “nobody told me not to,” he violated the

common-sense rule.

In my opinion, our city attorney’s office, has followed the

common-sense rule in all of their deliberations -- all the way from

salary and wage negotiations, police brutality charges, and on and on --

in a professional and dignified manner that has portrayed our city as a

respectable and safe city for all of our residents.


Huntington Beach
