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First, let me say that I am no fan of Dave Garofalo. On the two

occasions I met him, I was taken with his complete haughtiness and his

sense of “I am the man.”

However, the Aug. 3 issue of the Independent was rife with overkill.

Consider the repetitive articles on Dave’s antics on Pages 1, 6, 7 and

8; the editorial on Page 30; Ron Davis’ column; and letters.

On second thought, maybe it takes that much clubbing to get Huntington

Beach voters to pay attention to whom they vote for.


Fountain Valley

The sad fact is that we have come to expect our politicians to be on

the take. Influence peddling is the American political norm, not the

exception.We become a bit annoyed when the politician with his hand in

the cookie jar stonewalls and denies any wrongdoing.

It’s too late for Garofalo to hire a good spin doctor to help him stop

putting his foot in his mouth.As the damage to his credibility as mayor

is too serious to paint over, he should resign or be recalled.JIM VAN


Huntington Beach

I previously posted in this newspaper defending the mayor with regards

to what seemed like unrelenting probes into his affairs. But maybe I was

wrong. Now we have this St. Augustine home issue. As Ricky [Ricardo]

would say, “Lucy, you’ve got some ‘splaining to do.”

The mayor is not on a general waiting list, but finds himself on a VIP

list after voting many times to approve various stages of the project.

How -- uh -- wonderful. Perhaps the mayor can borrow a line from

Huntington Beach City School District Supt. Duane Dishno -- “I thought it

was because they liked me.”

The mayor uses cash from a friend and jumps to the head of the VIP

list and purchases. Again -- uh -- wonderful. To the rest of you who were

on the list, oh well, better luck next time. And next time, you may want

to keep a close check on that VIP status.

Maybe none of this is illegal; that will be for others to decide. And

maybe the mayor, being a mayor, doesn’t think he has any ‘splaining to do

even though he holds public office. I, however, at the very least, will

be taking out a little “health insurance.”

I’m immediately heading to the grocery store to see if I can find some

good old-fashioned wooden clothes pins. Not for hanging up clothes, mind

you, but rather for my nose.

You see, I find myself downwind from City Hall.


Huntington Beach

The most surprising thing about the recent revelations of the

allegedly shady wheelings and dealings of Huntington Beach Mayor Dave

Garofalo is that anyone is surprised.


Huntington Beach
