
Impact Players

Mike Sciacca, Independent

The start of a new millennium brought much promise to the 2000

Little League season, and much of it was fulfilled as countless players

gave their all in pursuit of summertime happiness.

Hits, strikeouts, and amazing catches filled the five local Little

League playing fields these past five months, and several players stood

out in the process, among them, the 15 selected to the 2000 Independent

Dream Team.

Their individual talents varied, but collectively, this group featured

one basic characteristic: desire.

“I love playing baseball, being around my friends,” one Dream Team

member said on a warm Monday morning as the players gathered for

pictures. “It’s all I want to do this summer, and I’ve had a blast so

far. Making the Dream Team is something I’ve always wanted to do, and now

it’s happened. I’m pretty happy.”

Fifteen players representing the five local Little Leagues had

gathered at Huntington Valley Little League’s Inspiration Field (site of

the District 62 Tournament of Champions, District 62 All-Star, and

California Section 4 tournaments) to form the 2000 Dream Team. Many of

them knew each other, and most intermingled, played catch, fielded

grounders, and some even hit grounders.

Just a few days earlier, most of these players had opposed each other

in the All-Star tournament.

“It’s great to see these kids get along like this,” said one All-Star

manager, who observed things among a group of parents who watched the

proceedings from some nearby bleachers. “There’s a lot of talent out

there on that field. Wouldn’t it be great to have them actually play a

game, on the same team?”

Indeed, it would.

Some of the numbers this group posted during the season were

staggering. One player hit an incredible 23 home runs, including two in

the District 62 All-Star tournament final, and another didn’t strike out

the entire season, and led his’ league’s Majors Division in batting


Still, another had made an All-Star team for a fourth consecutive


“I was so excited about making the Dream Team, that I didn’t believe

it when my Mom told me,” another player said. “She called my Dad, and he

told me it was true. This is a great way to end the season.”
