
Ocean View begins quest for another championship run

The 2000 District 62 Little League All-Star Tournament begins

Saturday, and Ocean View Little League Majors Division Manager Yun Conger

likes his team’s chances.

Then again, he will also tell you that any other of the seven leagues

competing also has as good a chance of winning the whole thing, just as

his All-Stars do.

“I think we have just as good a shot (of winning) as anybody, but

really, there are a number of teams who can win this tournament,” he said

Thursday, just two days prior to his squad’s opening round game Saturday

against Area 1 host Huntington Valley. “It’s just a matter as to which

team is on in the next week.”

A week ago, Conger guided Ocean View to the District 62 Tournament of

Champions Majors Division title, beating a strong Robinwood team, 6-3, in

the final.

Robinwood will be one of several teams who figure to have a good shot

at unseating Ocean View as Majors Division champion.

“I also like my team’s chances,” said Robinwood Manager Randy Schauer,

whose Brewers lost to Yun’s Ocean View Reds in the Tournament of

Champions final last week. “We have strong pitching and hitting, and I

think our team can go very far, if we play up to our capabilities.”

A year ago, Ocean View brought home the district banner by defeating

Westminster in the division final.

Huntington Valley and Robinwood (Area 2) both will host the Majors and

9-10 divisions, with Robinwood being the host site for the Junior and

Senior divisions.

The title games in both the Majors and 9-10 divisions will be held

July 18-20 at Huntington Valley.

District 62 is comprised of the following leagues: Costa Mesa

American, Costa Mesa National, Fountain Valley, Huntington Valley, Ocean

View, Robinwood, Seaview, and Westminster.

The double elimination tournament begins Saturday, with Huntington

Valley and Robinwood each hosting three first round games in Majors and

9/10 division play. Three games will be played in both the Junior and

Senior divisions Saturday at Robinwood.




(at Huntington Valley LL)

9 a.m. - Ocean View vs. Huntington Valley

Noon - Seaview vs. CM American


(at Robinwood LL)

9 a.m. - CM National vs. Westminster

Noon - Robinwood vs. Fountain Valley



(at Huntington Valley LL)

9 a.m. - Ocean View vs. CM American

Noon - Huntington Valley vs. Seaview


(at Robinwood LL)

9 a.m. - Robinwood vs. CM National

Noon - Fountain Valley vs. Westminster


(at Robinwood LL)

9 a.m. - Ocean View vs. Robinwood

Noon - Seaview vs. Westminster

3 p.m. - Huntington Valley vs. Fountain Valley


(at Robinwood LL)

9 a.m. - Huntington Valley vs. Seaview

Noon - Robinwood vs. Westminster

3 p.m. - Fountain Valley vs. Ocean View

*Competition continues next Tuesday, and further action will be held

Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, July 12, 13, and 15.
