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High-tech research company Experian has proposed adding 100 rooms to its

plans for a hotel.

What to expect: Experian will build an office park in Costa Mesa’s South

Coast Metro neighborhood. Blueprints for the park include office

buildings, restaurants, a health club and a 300-room hotel. The plans

originally called for a 200-room hotel. The City Council is scheduled to

discuss whether to allow the additional rooms.

Cefalias request another hearing

Developers Jim and Joseph Cefalia have requested another public hearing

on two proposed small-lot projects. However, they are asking the council

to give them two weeks to prepare the request.

What to expect: Last month, the Cefalias requested permission to build

housing tracts on the East Side. The council denied their request despite

its apparent compliance with city regulations. In the same meeting, the

council voted to place a moratorium on all similar developments in the



* WHO: Mayor Gary Monahan

Councilwoman Libby Cowan

Councilwoman Heather Somers

Councilman Joe Erickson

Councilwoman Linda Dixon

* WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today

* WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive
