
Tony Altobelli Colleges column: Seeking answers

With summertime upon us, its our “halftime” in the year-long

sportsathon here at the Pilot.

It’s a time to look back at the people, places and events that transpired

during the 1999-2000 sports campaign.

With the colleges, I spent a lot of my time chatting with the coaches and

taking whatever brilliant piece of information that came out of their


I must admit being still new at all this, I was a tad shy when it came to

asking the tough question.

But, with more than a year under my belt now, I’ve gathered enough

courage to get these questions out in the open.

So without further delay, here are just a few of those questions for your

reading entertainment.

To the OCC football coach Mike Taylor: Is that game with Long Beach City

over with yet?

To the Vanguard University women’s basketball coach Russ Davis: Did you

and the team have that, “Nobody’s graduating” graduation party yet?

To former OCC water polo coach Chris Oeding: Can I borrow the Cadillac

while you are in Australia? My bachelor party is in Las Vegas.

To cross country coach John Goldman: Could you please be a little more

humble next season? All that “Me, me, me,” stuff can get rather old.

To new badminton coach Barbara Bond: Is it too late to purchase season


To volleyball coach Chuck Cutenese: So is B.J. Lightvoet the best player

to ever play at OCC from Costa Mesa High?

To first-year coach Mark Hill: What’s it like to age five years in the

span of four months?

To assistant baseball coach Joel Desguin: You having fun yet?

To women’s golf coach Gordie Fitzel and/or men’s golf coach Barry

Wallace: Need a fourth?

For the Vanguard University men’s tennis coach Mattias Johansson: Any

chance of getting a player whose name doesn’t look like an eye chart?

Of course I also get to chat with some rather colorful players throughout

the year as well...

To OCC women’s golf studette Jennifer Tunzi: How much do you charge for


To OCC baseball player Jason Reuss: Who is your dad, again? Also, who is

going to pay for the holes in the scoreboard? Definitely not Planet


For OCC relief pitchers John Coleman and Jamie Brown, Reuss’ second

question is for you guys, too.

To OCC basketball/football player David Castleton: I assume you’ll only

be playing o7 basketball f7 at Cal State Fullerton?

To Pirates cross country/track phenom Zoila Gomez: Are you ever in a bad


To Bucs quarterback Jared Flint and Raymond Ohrel: Are you sure you both

want to be stuck in Hawaii for the next two years? I mean, won’t all that

fun, sun and tropical stuff get kind of old after awhile?

To OCC men’s volleyball standout B.J. Lightvoet: So is Chuck Cutenese the

best player to ever play at OCC from Costa Mesa High?

To Princeton University baseball player and Corona del Mar High grad Ryan

Achterberg: Have you started managing Katie’s singing career yet?

(Remember, I get a cut for the exposure.)

And finally, to OCC Sports Information Director, Sam Felsenfeld: Have we


Just wanted to send some fireworks out before the Fourth of July. Be

safe, everyone.
