
In the Spirit

* Address: 798 Dover Drive, Newport Beach

* Phone: (949) 548-3631

* Denomination: Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

* Year established: 1945

* Service times: Worship is at 9:15 a.m., a traditional Lutheran service

* Pastor: The Rev. David J. Monge. Monge was formally welcomed by the

congregation at an installation service April 30, at which Bishop Murray

Finck of the Pacific Synod officiated. Monge comes to the church

following 28 years of experience in Evangelical Lutheran Church in

America churches in Minnesota. He received his master of divinity degree

from Luther Seminary in 1971 and a master of theology degree in 1982.

Monge joins Newport Harbor Lutheran Church as a highly qualified Lutheran

scholar and gifted teacher. The church warmly welcomes him and looks

forward to exciting new opportunities.

* Pastoral staff: William Wells, director of music; Dawn Bent, preschool


* Size of congregation: 200

* Makeup of congregation: All age groups. The church is very welcoming to


* Child care: Child care is provided for the 9:15 a.m. service.

* Type of worship: The worship is welcoming, friendly and hospitable. The

9:15 a.m. service is traditional Lutheran with organ and traditional

hymns. The choir is well known for the quality of its music. After the

children’s sermon, children 4 years old through fourth grade go to Sunday


* Type of sermons: The sermons are biblically based and engaging.

* Outreach programs: The Women of the Evangelical Church of America is

active at the church. This group of women donates more than $1,000 each

year to women and children in poverty. There are confirmation classes

during the year, which focus on how God wants us to treat one another.

* CHURCH DESIGN: The church has recently made extensiverenovations. The

chancel was completed in March. The chancel cross, the altar and altar

rails, the pulpit, the baptismal font and credence table all bear a sea

theme in some form. The cross is an anchor with Christ, our anchor, upon

it. The altar is shaped like a boat and surrounded by waves; the pulpit

is a boat’s bow carrying the word of God into the midst of the people.

The font repeats the theme of boat and sea, and the altar rails bear a

wave motif. The credence table, where the bread and wine of Holy

Communion sit, recounts the multiplication of the loaves and fishes by

Jesus near the sea of Galilee. All the pieces are hand-carved of

fine-grained hardwood. They rest among high, white walls and earthy,

foot-square tiles from Italy. The acoustics are astounding. Across the

balcony, which houses the organ, a carved panel reads, “Sing to the Lord

a new song, let the sea roar and all that fills it give glory and declare

his praise in the coastlands.”

* Mission statement: “Learning the Word, Leading the Way, Anchored in


* Interesting note: The church celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1995.
