
Good Friday ushers in celebration of Easter

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Noaki Schwartz

NEWPORT-MESA -- Local Christian churches are preparing for Easter

weekend, which begins today with Good Friday.

“Good Friday is the day Jesus Christ was crucified and Easter is the day

he rose,” explained Rock Harbor Church spokeswoman Stacy Scott. “It’s a

time for all [Christians] to celebrate that our king is alive and not


Scott said that for her, this reminder that Jesus is alive and that he

has a plan for her, gives her a sense of security in life.

The Christian celebration of Easter, which is observed on the first

Sunday following the full moon after the spring equinox, draws on a

number of spring traditions.

It falls at the end of Lent, a 46-day period of penitence beginning on

Ash Wednesday and ending with Holy Week, which culminates with Easter.

This last week began with the observance of Palm Sunday, which symbolizes

Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Upon arrival, crowds laid palms

at his feet. Holy Thursday celebrates the Last Supper, in which Jesus

feasted with his disciples the evening before the Crucifixion. Good

Friday commemorates the day that Christ died on the cross. Finally, Jesus

was resurrected on Easter Sunday.

However, while Easter is celebrated as a religious holiday, many of the

traditions surrounding it are pagan in origin. For example, the name

Easter in many circles is thought to be derived from the Scandinavian

“Ostra” and the Teutonic “Ostern” or “Eastre” -- both goddesses of

mythology signifying spring and fertility. The symbols of Easter --

rabbits and eggs -- also reflect this theme.

Regardless of the religious significance, the holiday has become a

nationwide celebration, with candy stores filling their windows with

chocolate bunnies and grocery stores offering egg-coloring kits.

The Easter Bunny will make appearances this weekend at the Newport Dunes

and the Hyatt Newporter.

Churches around Newport-Mesa will host a number of events beginning

Friday and running through Sunday.

At Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church, followers can relive Jesus’

journey to crucifixion by visiting the 14 stations on the walls of the


“[The stations] depict the various events or circumstances that the Lord

Jesus went through on his way to be crucified,” said Father Sean Condon.

“Doing the journey with him gives us hope. Since the son of God, Jesus

Christ, went through this, we can identify with him in our trials and

tribulations through life.”

On Saturday, some churches, including Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic

Church, will hold a solemn evening Mass.

Finally on Sunday, celebrations of the resurrection of Christ will

include the traditional Easter Egg Hunt at Newport Center United

Methodist Church, music at Bethel Baptist, and a choral Eucharist at

Saint Michael’s and All Angels.

“It’s a jubilant celebration,” Father Condon said.


The Easter Bunny will hop into town today to hand out Easter baskets at

the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen from noon to 4 p.m. Meanwhile, ham, yams,

green beans, potatoes and desserts will be available for needy families.

The Someone Cares Soup Kitchen is at 720 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. For

information, call (949) 548-8861.
