
Readers respond

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Thank you for offering a sensitive and honest story about David and

Yvonne Riley’s sustaining faith and trust in God in the midst of the loss

of their daughter Yvette, this past week.

Your article and coverage captured the hearts of our community, as we

wrestled with our own emotions, about how we would handle the same thing

if it happened in our own family... When we hear another family grieves,

we grieve. We appreciate being given a glimpse of a close knit family;

transparent, vulnerable and still focused on that which really matters.

We care about this family,and what happens to them. Thank you for giving

us, their neighbors,a tender reflection of how they are doing and for

allowing them to tell all people about their real strength-their faith!


Newport Beach

Please let the family members and friends of Yvette Riley that, even

out here in New Jersey, they are being prayerd for. Even through times

like this, strength can only be found by trusting in God’s grace and



Union Beach, NJ

Thank you for featuring such a sensitve article. A sweet family ...

and I’m confident the community will rally around one of their finest

families at their deepest hour of need.


Newport Beach
