
Report Card

The Huntington Beach High School Academy of the Performing Arts will

present Rodgers and Hart’s “Babes in Arms” at 7:30 p.m. today, Friday and

Saturday at Dwyer Middle School, 1502 Palm Ave., Huntington Beach.

“Babes in Arms” depicts a group of teenagers who stage a revue to keep

from being sent to a work farm. Although the show is a bomb, they are

later able to attract the publicity that makes it successful.

The show is directed by Tim Nelson and choreographed by Sherry Witkin.

Tickets are $5. For advance ticket sales, call 536-2514, Ext. 290.

Senior recognized as good citizen

Elizabeth Sandra Thomson, a senior at Ocean View High School, has been

named the Year 2000 Good Citizen by the Clara Barton Chapter of the

Daughters of the American Revolution. The contest honors seniors who have

demonstrated dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.

As part of the selection process, Elizabeth submitted an essay, “Our

American Heritage and Our Responsibility to Preserve it.” With her win,

she is now eligible for the state and national good citizen prizes.

Donations sought for Grad Night

Huntington Beach High School is seeking donations for the “Millennium

Magic 2000” Grad Night. The school is asking for age-appropriate gifts,

gift certificates and cash. Donors will be acknowledged at the event.

Grad Night will be held June 15 to give graduating seniors a safe and

sober celebration. There are 572 seniors graduating at Huntington Beach

High School this year. Donations are tax deductible. Checks addressed to

the high school’s Grad Night can be mailed to the school at 1905 Main

St., Huntington Beach. For more information, call 536-2514.

Kindergarten registration set

Fountain Valley School District’s eight elementary schools will hold a

Kindergarten Roundup on scheduled days through May so parents can

register their children for fall kindergarten classes. Students must be 5

years old on or before Dec. 2. Incoming kindergartners may accompany

their parents and will have an opportunity to visit a kindergarten


Registrations will be held at 1:30 p.m. on the following days and


* Today at Courreges Elementary, Gisler Elementary and Moiola schools;

* April 25 (3 p.m.) at Tamura Elementary School;

* April 27 at Newland Elementary School;

* May 4 at Oka Elementary School; and

* May 25 at Plavan Elementary School.For more information, call 843-3255.
