

Santiago Speed Reduction Program

What to expect: The city council will hear a status report of the

Santiago Drive Speed Reduction Program. In October, the City Council

approved a speed increase from 25 mph to 30 mph on Santiago Drive between

Irvine and Tustin avenues. The increase was to enable the Police

department to enforce the speed limit by use of radar. City staff has

also been working on a neighborhood traffic management program.

Jamboree Road Median Landscaping

What to expect: The City Council will consider approving a conceptual

landscape plan for the median of Jamboree from Bison Avenue to the former

Ford-Loral entrance. There is currently no landscaping in the area. The

plan being considered will add grass shrubbery and trees.

Grant Howald Athletic Field

What to expect: The city public works department is recommending that the

city award Ecology Construction of Canoga Park the contract to

rehabilitate the Grant Howald Athletic field for $124,497. The project

will include hydroseeding the athletic field, installing new irrigation

and landscaping, expanding retaining walls, installing chain link fences,

installing a new softball rubber home plate and bases and reconstructing

portions of the 5th Avenue entrance and the parking lot between the field

and tennis courts.


* WHO: Newport Beach City Council

* WHAT: regular meeting

* WHEN: Tuesday 7 p.m.

* WHERE: Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Blvd.


3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, 92663

(949) 644-3309

John Noyes -- Mayor

Gary Adams

Tod Ridgeway

Jan Debay

Norma Glover

Dennis O’Neil

Tom Thomson
