
Letter of the week

Like most people, I usually only write to a paper when I’m displeased

with something it has done. In this case, though, I thought it was high

time I thanked you for the years you’ve featured my favorite columnist,

Joe Bell.

Like nearly every other piece he’s done for you, his column (“Does

this mean I can get free Cubs tickets?” April 6) on the acquisition of

the LA Times and Pilot by the Chicago Tribune was insightful,

thought-provoking and entertaining. Even on the rare occasions that I

don’t agree with Joe’s viewpoints, his reasoned and gracious writing

always compels me to reexamine my views. His column is an asset to the

community -- indeed, it’s one of the few things in the Southern

Californian papers that even gives me a sense that I live in a community.

Thank you again for featuring him.


Costa Mesa
