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There is no one alive in Huntington Beach today that I feel has

contributed more to the general good of the city than Russ Paxson and Tim

Alvarez. They have been instrumental in keeping alive the oldest Boy

Scout troop this side of the Mississippi River.There is a reason this

troop is still No. 1, and they are the reason.They have touched the lives

of countless thousands of young people in the city and elsewhere.

It is not just the 2,500 or so Boy Scouts who have passed through the


It is also the 110 or so who have earned their Eagle award with Russ’ and

Tim’s guidance.

It is also the friends, family members, classmates and co-workers of

former and current Scouts who have benefited from their association with

the young men that Russ and Tim helped mold into the best examples of

citizens that Huntington Beach has to offer.

It is the countless troop service projects and Eagle projects these two

guys have helped with that have made this city a nicer place for all of

us to live, one step at a time.It is the other service organizations they

have been associated with besides the Boy Scouts, and the good things

they have done for the city through those organizations.

When you think about it, it is the sheer number of hours, days, weeks,

months and years of service to this city that makes them priceless.

It makes them the biggest of the “Big Kahunas.”
