
The big questions

1. What does a yes on Measure I mean?

A yes vote on Measure I means that the closed Crest View school on

Talbert Avenue near Beach Boulevard will be rezoned from commercial to

residential. This would effectively squash Wal-Mart’s plans to lease the


2. What is Measure J?

It is a City Council-sponsored advisory vote that asks residents

whether they want 50% of the sales tax income from a Wal-Mart to be spent

on projects such as neighborhood parks, bicycle trails and a new senior

center. The measure is nonbinding.

3. What does Ocean View School District stand to gain if Measure I is


A defeat of Measure I would mean the school district’s plans to lease

the land to Wal-Mart could go forward. The 25-year lease with a 65-year

option would give the district $400,000 a year in income. Combined with

rent increases over time, the school district could make $40 million if

Wal-Mart stays for the full option.

4. What does the city stand to gain?

The store will generate around $400,000 annually in sales tax for

Huntington Beach, according to an analysis by Los Angeles-based Keyser

Marston Associates Inc. The store is also expected to create around 300


5. What does the school district want to use the money for?

The money would be used to modernize and fix the schools. Harbour View

Elementary needs to replace classrooms plagued by dry rot. College View

Elementary needs new wiring. The district’s middle schools also need


6. What will happen if Measure I passes?

The district is banking on the defeat of Measure I. But if the measure

passes, Ocean View will have to regroup. It could try to pass a bond

option to get the money. But school officials say with so many district

properties standing empty, they will probably not use that option. A loan

is another possibility, but also unlikely. High interest rates and the

length of time it would take to pay it back make a loan unfeasible, said

Tracy Pellman, school trustee. As for the developer, Arnel Retail Group

has threatened to sue ?.
