
AYSO Region 97: Ameba wins, ties

CORONA DEL MAR - The Newport Beach Ameba All-Stars defeated South

Irvine, 2-1, then battled Tustin to a 1-1 tie last weekend in AYSO

six-city Area Q boys under 14 soccer action.

Patrick Keehan and Brenden Zimmer each scored off assists from Detlef

Moeller in the first half of their win over South Irvine.

Eduardo Garcia scored Newport Beach’s lone goal with just seconds

remaining in the game to salvage the tie in game two.

Strong defense was turned in by Ian Jennings, Arthur Perez, Brandon

Sowers, Dave Motshenbacher and Max Petty.

The Ameba All-Stars (3-2-2) train this week to meet league leader North

Irvine at 1 a.m. and traditional rival Corona del Mar at 2:15 Saturday at

Harvard Athletic Park in Irvine.

All-star action continues through February with the all-star league

winner advancing to the State All-Star Sectional Championships in

mid-March at UCI.
